Hannity Gets Blunt Lesson About Time Following ‘Biden’s Disastrous First Week’ Claim

On Thursday night, a caption on Hannity’s show declared Biden’s first week as president “disastrous.” But the review came before Biden had even completed his first full day as president.
Biden officially took over from Trump at midday Wednesday.
He immediately set about reversing some of his predecessor’s policies, signing a slew of executive orders aimed at combating the coronavirus pandemic, slowing climate change and stopping construction on Trump’s signature U.S.-Mexico border wall.
Twitter users took Hannity to task for jumping the gun:
I guess that according to Sean Hannity, one of Biden’s executive orders was to reduce the length of the week to a day and a half? https://t.co/xWWDZdvol4
— Scott Frank (@hollywoodsapien) January 22, 2021
ONE DAY! That’s this dipshits idea of a disastrous week? @seanhannity needs to be removed. Many on @FoxNews need to be investigated. And @FoxNews needs to be labeled as something else. NEWS shouldn’t be in their title.
— Keri 🇺🇸 (@Centient) January 22, 2021
Note to @seanhannity and #FauxFoxNews. do you know how many hours are in a day? Do you know how many days there are in a week? You could easily find out. So I wonder why after one day in the office you run a ridiculous segment about Biden’s disastrous first week @FoxNews
— J Williams (@j_c_wms) January 22, 2021
@seanhannity misses out on one night-night call from Trump and now he’s bent out of shape. Also Sean, Biden isn’t even a day and a half in yet and you’re berating his first week. Sad.
— M■squared (@MartinMott) January 22, 2021
.@seanhannity wants you to know Joe Biden has had a disastrous week. Sean Hannity also apparently doesn’t know that a week is 7 days, not one. So, I’d like you to know that #SeanHannity is a moron with no redeemable qualities.
— Steven Carl McCasland (@mrslevisentme) January 22, 2021
@seanhannity 36 hours is not one week. Maybe you need to head back to school? Your guess that your target audience would not notice was likely spot on but over 81 million are laughing at you today…and everyday.
— Jeannie Beanie (@GingerJeannieC) January 22, 2021
Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sean-hannity-joe-biden-one-week_n_600a8779c5b6a46978d019e4