People Predict How Trump Will Flip Over Biden And Harris As Time Person Of The Year

Also shortlisted were outgoing President Donald Trump; the movement for racial justice; health care workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, and infectious diseases specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci.
“If Donald Trump was a force for disruption and division over the past four years, Biden and Harris show where the nation is heading: a blend of ethnicities, lived experiences and world views that must find a way forward together if the American experiment is to survive,” Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal wrote of the magazine’s decision.
While some on Twitter criticized the publication for not honoring those tackling and treating the spread of COVID-19, others seized the opportunity to mock Trump and imagine how he will respond to a second loss to Biden in as many months.
“Stand by for lawsuit alleging the magazine’s selection process was fraudulent and rigged,” joked “Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill.
Anyone checked on the biggest loser tonight? 😎
— Mama_C2 (@mama_c2) December 11, 2020
“I’m mad. I’m soooooooooo bigly fucking mad right now. Knowing that people are laughing at me (again) and saying, ‘damn you just can’t stop losing, you orange-faced fascist’ makes is so much worse… Completely unrelated but, my kids are awful too. We’re all just… terrible.”
— Corey🤬Reynolds (@coreyreynoldsLA) December 11, 2020
Has Trump started ranting about Time magazine yet? If not, either he’s not watching tv – the only place he gets his news – or he’s asleep. Or calling his corrupt Proto fascists in the GOP with more thoughts on their war on democracy.
— Kurt “Masks Save Lives” Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 11, 2020
Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have been named Time Magazine persons of the year beating a large group of candidates including Donald J Trump. Stand by for a major tantrum!
— Steve Gibbons (@SteveGibbonsXMP) December 11, 2020
Dear me – thank you Time magazine. Was there media around when trump found out? Do we have footage of his head exploding?
— Jen Houston (@jen_vevie) December 11, 2020